PRIVATE TRIP: West Ridge Church
JUNE 4-8, 2025 | Minnesota's Driftless Region | $1,250
The streams of life can be fast-paced with aggressive lifestyles, leaving many men fighting for footing to keep ourselves afloat. We often desire a deeper relationship with God and those closest to us, but have little capacity to invest more of ourselves. Many men may say the are drifting through the currents of life, leaving them unsatisfied with the most important things. What about you?
Our Soul of a Man Retreat offers the space to connect with God, self, and others in a meaningful way through intentional and guided lessons, personal reflection, and good old fashioned R & R.
Your Altar retreat marks the beginning of a new adventure. The Altar Team is commitment to your journey providing resources for your continued soul care, leadership development and transformation for a greater life and impact.

In the middle of fly over country sits an ancient landscape that stand out for its unique geology and incredible trout fishing.
During the last ice age, glaciers surrounded the Driftless Area but never plowed up and deposited materials (known as drift) as they receded. This left the area with fractured limestone and sandstone. Water percolates through this rock into the ground and is filtered, cooled, and given an excellent PH level. The water then comes out as springs and seeps and gives it incredible and abundant trout fishing.

"I was blessed to gain a solid beginning as an angler, but more importantly, I slowed down and allowed God to help me connect with Him through both the teaching and the natural surroundings of the stream. It was beyond my wildest expectations."
Rick | Soul of a Man
"The retreat was even better than what I expected. It was like I pushed the "reset" switch spiritually. In addition to helping me become whole again, it increased my awareness of how to better care for my soul. I now have tools to assess the state of my soul so I can sustain healthy soul-care beyond the retreat."
Andy | Soul of a Pastor