During the month of August I was reminded of the value of remembering the stories that make up my story. Someone once said that we must live our lives forward, but we only understand our lives by looking back. August 5-9 was Altar’s Soul of a Leader retreat where 6 accomplished leaders gathered to not only fish the Provo River in Utah, but to engage the most important aspect of their lives–their souls. Several conversations during the trip came back to remembering those things (and people) that had uniquely shaped their lives. This kind of self knowledge holds the keys to things like:
- Why we do the things we do the way we do them.
- How our current relationships are impacted by our past.
- Understanding how our daily and weekly rhythms are shaping us everyday
- And more…
Later in August, I was the guest speaker on a new podcast called On the Spot which highlights aspects of faith for men who may not go to church. It was fun and much of the podcast involved stories of the past (baseball) and now (Altar Fly Fishing and pastoring a church). I thought I had forgotten some of these stories. Feel free to listen in HERE.
Taking time to remember is key to understanding life, which is why Altar Fly Fishing incorporates remembering in our fishing trips and retreats. Remembering is also core to the follow up coaching program available to those who attend an Altar trip with Altaring Leadership (contact Eric Camfield if you would like to learn more about transformational life coaching for yourself as part of the Altar Network).
Simply put, to NOT look back and understand the roads you have traveled is to NOT know who you are and where you are going. Altar cares about who you are and where you are going. Our passion is to create new stories in the lives of people helping them flourish with God (faith), themselves (soul), and their most valued relationships.
So…perhaps you take time today to pause and reflect on the questions below. May God grant you understanding on your journey’s past so that you can discover the opportunities before you.
- Think about your life in three segments: your early years, the middle years, and your recent years. What were the events, experiences, or people that significantly shaped you? Perhaps write these out.
- What do you celebrate from your past? What do you resist, regret, or was challenging from your past?
- Think about the behaviors, attitudes, and how you engage relationships today. Do you see any threads of connection to your past?
- Take some time to simply sit with God in silence. What do you sense him wanting to tell you through your story that may help you take your next step forward in life?
Eric Camfield | August 2020