Jesus was doing something amazing…He was walking on water. The disciples, watching with amazement in the secure confines of their boat, heard Jesus call Peter out of the boat. This was not an invitation to wet-wade. Water was too deep and the waves tumultuous. It was a step of faith.
I (Eric) often wonder what that was like for Peter when he realized he had the boldness and confidence to step out and place the first foot on the water outside the boat. But, what I wonder more is what it felt like when he placed his second foot onto the water now fully outside his comfort zone and fully supported by the power of Jesus to stand in the middle of a miracle.
As many of you know, I (Eric) am the founder and president of Altar Fly Fishing while continuing as a pastor and transformational leadership coach. It is quite a bit to balance because of the great things happening in the church and with Altar. Yet, I have known for some time that God was inviting me out of the boat…to take the step of faith to invest my whole focus to grow Altar’s ministry, a presence in the fly fishing and greater world, and invest more deeply in the follow-up with individuals after each retreat.
This past weekend, we announced that I will transition from the church to build Altar’s ministry into its full potential. Exciting and scary to step out of the boat, but that is where the miracle is…outside the boat.
Continue here from the Altar Update…
Let me share a few highlights when it comes to hearing God’s call in your own life that we also shared with our church this past weekend. We often use the word call or that God is calling me to do something. But for many, understanding “call” is fuzzy or unclear. May these reflections stimulate thinking about your own sense of call.
Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to Him those He wanted, and they came to Him. He appointed twelve that they might be with Him (the Communion Call)….
and that He might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons (the Kingdom Call).
But then there is also a THIRD dimension that I think of as the Personal Call. It has to do with the particular way that God has wired each of us.
I think of the passage in John 21 where Peter is asking about Jesus’ plan for John and Jesus says: “What is that to you? YOU must follow me!” (John 21:22)
John Calvin said a call is confirmed through:
- The witness of the Spirit within,
- The presence of relevant gifts,
- The evidence of circumstances lining up
- The voice/affirmation of the Church (others).
I think of so many of you who are part of this story, who have taken part in a fishing adventure, who are supporting the ministry, who have shared an encouraging word or affirmation at a fly fishing show, or who have joined our network over the years and share the Altar story with others via web or social media. I am grateful for you.
Since this is a season of bold steps, may I ask a few things of you as part of the Altar network?
Would you…
- Take time to pray for Altar Fly Fishing’s future and the coming transition (both for Eric and the church).
- Consider how you can join our effort to build this ministry to impact more people through your own support of investment. Altar is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization whose ministry is made possible through people like you.
- Continue to share the news of Altar with your friends, circles of influence and through social media .
- Pray for those that will take part in Altar’s retreats…Pastors, Leaders, Women and Men. We hope we can refresh their souls and help them lead with healthy souls, greater confidence and sustainability.
For Reflection:
- What is your story of Call?
- Your own faith story and God’s presence in your life?
- Your greater sense of significance in God’s redemptive mission in this world…do you see and live your life for something bigger than yourself?
- Your personal call? Has or is God tapping your shoulder to make a transition or to step into a “next” in your life?
- As you see the growth and potential in Altar’s ministry to pastors, leaders, women and men, does anything move in your heart? Do you sense you are meant to be part of this story by investing in the ministry’s future through your LIFE (labor, influence, finances, or expertise)? You can visit our supporter’s page to make a contribution or contact Eric Camfield directly with questions or ideas.
- Do you need a coach to help you move from here to there in your sense of call or other area of life?
- Eric Camfield is also a professional transformational life and leadership coach; helping people discern their sense of call, unsticking what is stuck, and pursuing goals while becoming the person God created them to be. If you would value a free coaching exploration session or more details, you can contact Eric at [email protected] to learn more.
Eric Camfield | July 2021