As I write this, the first day of August, I considered the mindset that I too often fall into… rushing ahead as if we were already there.
From back when I was in school, the Fourth of July was a waypoint marking that summer was half over. Dread! And somehow, while still in the middle of July, I am already mourning the loss of summer, planning for the start of school, the fall, even the change of weather as I consider the need for warmer clothes in my closet. I am racing ahead to what’s next.
But August has just arrived, temperatures are still high here in Chicago with the sun as warm as ever. There is still quite a bit of summer left. And while the kids go back to school in just a couple weeks…it is still a couple weeks away. There are still many days to spend outside, in the pool, taking a road trip, or walking for ice cream.
I remind myself to slow.
Stop jumping weeks, even months ahead and missing the moments, opportunities, the beautiful days right in front of me. Have you ever found yourself doing the same? Rushing to what’s next?
We see it everyday. In fact, there it was on the shelves of the store today…not the school supplies, not the clearance bin of pool toys, but the Halloween décor AND…the Christmas decorations!
I remind myself to slow. Even when I am being PUSHED!
Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Don’t rush the season you are in. Not just the seasons of the year, but the seasons of our lives.
And maybe most importantly, the transitions between seasons…whether you are finally at the end of a season, getting through something messy or painful, just waiting for what is “not yet”, or maybe one of the best seasons of your life is coming to a close. Don’t rush through.
It is important to remind ourselves to be in it, to be present, to experience THIS season, THIS moment fully…not to rush through it. Because in all the rushing so much is missed. We leave little or no room for God to work in and through us.
When we rush through….
We miss the learnings.
- An opportunity to take an inventory of your heart and mind and allow ourselves to feel these moments – whether joy or pain – and to consider what we might do differently or better next time.
We miss ending well.
- Taking the time to appreciate the good work we have done, the impact we have made, the friendships, skills, or experiences we have gained. All to often we do not allow ourselves to savor the moment, to celebrate our accomplishments or to just step back and see where life has taken us. Have you ever read a book where the chapter was so good that you found yourself turning the last page so slowly as you took it all in?
We miss preparing ourselves for what is next.
- When we move too quickly into what’s next, we miss processing or experiencing how we feel. Are we grieving, exhausted, lacking confidence or a sure footing? Have we even considered how do we want to approach this next season? What is needed to put our best foot forward?
We miss the rest, reset, recharge needed before we start that next season.
- Often times (almost all the time!) we require a pause…rest…a time of transition.
Grant yourself permission to rest. While it may not seem like it right now, a couple weeks to pause may have little to no impact on your next job, opportunity, project, etc. But, a couple weeks for the health of your soul could make all the difference.
Don’t miss the good that happens in the margins, the in-betweens, and in the moments of thoughtful rest.
For Your Reflection?
- Where in your life are you rushing ahead?
- Is there a new season on your horizon? What would transitioning well look like for you?
- What about some of the smaller transitions in your life? What might you do to remind yourself to slow, prepare and transition well?
- From work to home…
- From work-week to weekend…
- From your busy day to an important conversation…
Amy Moran | August 2022