Renewed & Ready: Filling Your Soul For The Year Ahead – Week 2
Another Day of Gratitude
“O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever.” – Psalm 107:1 NRSV
Several months ago, a friend invited me to engage in a new practice. “Take a few moments each day,” he said, “to complete this sentence: ‘Thank you, Lord, for another day that ______________.’”
Ever since, most every morning, I’ve written that sentence in a journal and filled in the blank. Now, many months later, I’ve noticed a couple of things about this simple practice—a practice that requires only a minute or so of my attention.
First, the daily writing of the words, another day, always gives me pause. This new day, which I can so easily take for granted, is indeed a precious gift from God to cherish. I have another day. Thank you, Lord.
Second, I’ve noticed that most days the words I use to fill in the blank are simple things like enjoying some moments of quiet, or taking a walk with my wife, Dianne, or listening to the chatter of birds, or appreciating time with a friend, or watching a sunrise over a lake. In other words, this simple practice reminds me that gratitude is most often found in seemingly insignificant moments. Even in these moments, God is present.
What might you discover if you filled in the blank day after day?
“Grace and gratitude belong together like heaven and earth. Gratitude evokes grace like the voice and echo. Gratitude follows grace as thunder follows lightning.” – Karl Barth
Steve Ebling | December 2024