Tag: fly fishing

The Power of Retreats

THE POWER OF RETREATS Understanding Retreats: The Value of Retreating for Personal Well-being In today’s fast-paced world, where the demands of work, social life, and technology often leave us feeling overwhelmed, the idea of retreating can sound like an oasis in the desert. A retreat isn’t just about escaping from responsibilities; it’s about taking a…
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RHYTHM: Remember

RHYTHM: Remember Part Three in the Series I’m a list-maker, always have been. If I don’t write something down, I tend to forget it. The most-used app on my phone is one that contains daily to-do lists. If I know I need to make a call today, purchase a birthday gift tomorrow, send a friend…
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Rhythms of Grace

Before you continue reading, please take 60 seconds to watch this video. What did you feel or sense as you watched the video on the unforced rhythms of grace? Seriously, what did you experience watching this video?  Welcome to Altar Fly Fishing’s 2023 theme of Rhythm. This year we will learn to read the water…
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Fly Fishing as a Spiritual Practice

In recent years, I’ve broadened my understanding of spiritual practices to include fly fishing. For most of my life, my list of spiritual practices included the traditional ones we all think of like prayer, Scripture reading, weekly worship, and sabbath keeping. But thanks to the guidance of some of the great teachers of our faith,…
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A Different Walk on the Same Path

As you consider the paths of your life, with all the awareness and perspectives this past year has offered through its interruptions to life’s rhythms, let me ask you two questions.

When Gratitude Shapes the Soul

When gratitude becomes a regular practice in our lives, we begin living differently. We begin seeing things in our normal, ordinary days differently. We become more aware of God and his presence. Our whole disposition becomes lighter as we journey through our days.

Returning to Joy

I have seen it countless times on retreats, fishing trips, vacations, or moments of quiet solitude and reflection. I call it a return to joy. Perhaps you can relate to this scenario.

Remembering Your Story

Simply put, to NOT look back and understand the roads you have traveled is to NOT know who you are and where you are going…Our passion is to create new stories in the lives of people helping them flourish with God (faith), themselves (soul), and their most valued relationships.

When Creation Reveals the Soul

Have you ever stood in a river, been on a hike, or experienced the outdoors when you felt a little nudge deep within you that said, Pay attention, I’m showing you something about YOU?

The Legacy of a Father

As we look forward to celebrating fathers this month, I have been reflecting on what it means as a father to leave a legacy. My reflection has not centered around what I hope to leave behind at the end of my life, but around the question of “What do I do each day to live out my legacy?”