Tag: rhythms of life

Renewed & Ready: Filling Your Soul for the Year Ahead – Week 1

Renewed & Ready: Filling You Soul for the Year Ahead | Week 1 Keep your eye on the healthy soul, scrutinize the straight life; there’s a future in strenuous wholeness. –Psalm 37:37-38 | The Message How is your soul? My favorite trout stream is in northern Michigan. It’s a small stream that isn’t as famous…
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Can You Relate to These 3 Critical Observations?

There is one question that I get more than any other from family, friends, people from the church where I, Eric, pastored, or from other acquaintances who know my story of starting Altar Fly Fishing, “So, how is the fishing going?”  At first, if I were being honest, I was a little put off by…
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Part Five in the Series: What is your default speed or pace of life? Perhaps, like me, you have two speeds–on or off. You’re either doing or sleeping and your doing is at a pretty aggressive pace throughout the day. Perhaps your personality drives it, the achiever in you striving daily to see what you…
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RHYTHM: Cease PART TWO IN THE SERIES Last month we introduced the 2023 retreat theme of RHYTHM and underscored several key points: We also debuted an important equation: R = 6 + 1 where Rhythm equals how we live 7 days per week. From the Bible to new articles in social sciences, healthy people tend…
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Rhythms of Grace

Before you continue reading, please take 60 seconds to watch this video. What did you feel or sense as you watched the video on the unforced rhythms of grace? Seriously, what did you experience watching this video?  Welcome to Altar Fly Fishing’s 2023 theme of Rhythm. This year we will learn to read the water…
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Fly Fishing as a Spiritual Practice

In recent years, I’ve broadened my understanding of spiritual practices to include fly fishing. For most of my life, my list of spiritual practices included the traditional ones we all think of like prayer, Scripture reading, weekly worship, and sabbath keeping. But thanks to the guidance of some of the great teachers of our faith,…
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