“What shapes our lives are the questions we ask, refuse to ask, or never think to ask.” — Sam Keen
Read that quote again.
It was in December I came across this quote again, yet this time, it made me pause and reflect upon these words for quite awhile. Perhaps in light of the strange season of life Covid has brought, perhaps due to some changing seasons in my own life, perhaps because a new year was at hand. Perhaps for all the reasons above something in this quote unfolded for me like a perfect cast. Regardless of the reason, I could not shake where Sam Keen’s quote was leading me and what questions were shaping my life (or not).
What about you?
Questions connect to our souls in unique ways—whether connected to desires and longings, struggles, pain, grief, or challenges we dare to face (or not). Both the questions we ask AND we seek to answer (or not) do shape our lives.
As we begin a new year perhaps you, like me, will pause and give serious attention to questions we are, or should be asking. May the questions and thoughts below spark a journey of possibility, healing, courageous pursuits, deepened relationships, personal growth and more for you and those with whom you share this post.
What questions are you asking in the most important spheres of your life?
Some suggested questions for reflection:
- Personal Health and Vitality
- How am I doing…really?
- Where am I experiencing joy and energy in life?
- What (or who) is draining my life?
- What adjustments can I make to be more healthy in practical ways?
- Relationships
- How am I doing with the relationships closest to me in my life?
- How is “home” going for me these days?
- Career/Vocation
- Am I thriving or just surviving in my vocational life?
- Am I finding joy and energy in my work (whatever kind work that may be)?
- Faith and Desires
- For what and who am I grateful?
- What is capturing my imagination these days?
- How am I living a life that honors God?
- How can I be more intentional in growing my faith to live a better and more fulfilled life?
- Do I need to find space to reset my life?
- Note: Altar Retreats are a great way to invest in your life and soul for lasting change.
- What other questions are asking yourself?
What are the questions you are refusing to ask (or scared to ask)?
Sometimes we must be brave and honest to ask the hard questions that must be asked. What are your hard questions?
What are the questions God is asking you (that you never thought to ask)?
Imagine God is sitting with you, listening to all the questions and answers going through your mind. He leans over and whispers to you, “Good. Now sit quietly for a minute and breathe. Now, let me share with you the questions you really need to ask.”
- What questions do you hear or sense God asking you?
Closing Thought
Questions often reveal the heart and soul of a person. Questions inspire and they can trigger difficult conversations with yourself or with others. Questions are not neutral–they often demand a response. Asking questions is not for the faint of heart.
So friend, what questions will you ask (and seek to answer) at the beginning of this new year. What will you become and pursue from the questions you ask? Pay attention to your questions and what they stir in you.
Eric Camfield | January 2022
NOTE: Several of our Altar Fly Fishing staff are professional transformational life coaches equipped to engage the questions you ask and create customized approaches to achieve goals, unstick what is stuck, evaluate personal or vocational gifting/calling or help facilitate healthy movement in your life toward greater health and thriving. If interested in learning more, let us know by emailing us [email protected] with the subject Exploring Coaching.